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Buy or borrow a secure pet carrier for transporting your Cat home. It is quite unsafe to travel with a Cat loose in your car (although they would love nothing better than to sit on your lap and watch what is going on).


Before you bring your new Cat home make sure that you have prepared either a room or a confined area, especially for him/her. Check that all the doors and windows are closed securely, fireplaces are covered and the area is quiet, warm and safe. Place a litter tray, a cosy bed (a cardboard box with a blanket is fine) or the cage he came in, some toys, food dish and water bowl in the room for him so that they know that this is their safe place.

Arrange a time for pick up that allows you at least a few hours with your new Cat before your go to bed.

On arrival, take him to his ‘safe place’ and show him where everything is. Let him explore his new surroundings without feeling threatened. Even a Cat who is normally self assured can be upset by car journeys and will need some time to calm down and adjust to new surroundings. Your cat may disappear under a chair and will ignore the prepared bed until he feels a little more secure. If this is the reaction leave him in peace to examine his new surroundings in his own time.  Even if the cat is outgoing and friendly, it is important to give him time to get used to a small area of the house at first, as you want him to be quite sure about where his litter tray is. Don't be tempted to give him the run of the house until he is well settled.

Talk to him frequently so that he gets used to the sound of your voice.   If he/she appears ok you can stay in the room but sit quietly. After a little while, put your hand out to him and call his name, letting him come to you. If he decides to hide, whether it be for a few hours or a few days, do not attempt to force him out. Just continue to visit his ‘safe place’ and gently gain his trust. Offering some tasty treats will help or by giving him her first meal which also helps settle them into their new home.   This way your new Cat will learn to depend on you.


For the first few hours most cats will be ready to explore and be happy to be cuddled and carried around but some do take longer so you will have to be mindful of this and wait and see how your new addition adjusts – if he is still a little shy leave him in the safe quiet place and slowly introduce him to the other rooms in your house over time.  Like people all kittens/cats are individuals so some will adjust very quickly whilst others do take a few days up to a few weeks to adjust to their new family and home.

If there are children or other pets in the house, it is best not to introduce them until he has gained his confidence and they are fully settled in. With some gentle persuasion and patience, your new addition will soon be purring and enjoying a kiss and cuddle. 

It is absolutely crucial that your new Cat be kept indoors for at least two weeks and preferably three weeks before he is allowed out at all.   This really does mean not going out at all.

A walled garden is not going to stop your Cat getting lost in unfamiliar territory. Do not let him out into the garden until you are quite sure that he is happy and secure in his new home and will respond to your voice or to your banging a spoon on the dinner plate or tin. During his settling in period, get him used to associating food with banging the food tin or his dinner plate or your own particular call or whistle.  Most cats are very intelligent and will learn that this noise means food (and they love their tucker!) and they will come running.   Make sure you do reward them every time you use this call, noise or whistle.

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